planning policy representations
The Local Plan system allows landowners to promote their land for redevelopment and also to influence the policies and direction of growth for development within the local area. Optimis has extensive experience in reviewing draft policies and submitting representations both to promote sites for allocation via the local plan process and to influence the wording of policies that will impact on the deliverability and viability of development proposals.
We can prepare and submit your land as part of the Call for Sites process undertaken by local planning authorities as well as promoting sites through the Neighbourhood Plan process. We can be engaged to make Representations at any time during the consultation process and have successfully changed policy and achieved allocations in Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans.
Understanding what attributes are required to make a site attractive to the local authority is a critical part of our strategy. Making Representations is much more than just a simple form-filling exercise. Optimis also works hard to influence local authority policies to create opportunities for the redevelopment of your land now and in the future.