Our Policy
Optimis Consulting Ltd strives to deliver excellent services to our clients and other stakeholders. In the unfortunate event that you feel we have not met this standard we encourage you to let us know so that we can resolve the matter satisfactorily and can look to improve the ways in which we conduct our business.
Our Procedure
If you have a complaint, the first step is to raise it informally with your main contact, either verbally or in writing, so that they can resolve it. We would encourage you to raise the matter with them as soon as possible so that they can address your concerns before matters get worse. In practice, most complaints can be resolved in this way.
If this does not resolve the matter satisfactorily, we would ask that you make a formal complaint in writing, via email, so that there can be no misunderstanding about the nature of your concerns.
The email should be addressed to the Managing Director, Justin Wickersham and sent to customercare@optimis-consulting.co.uk. Once we receive your complaint, we will take the following steps:
1) We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of its receipt and inform you of who is dealing with your complaint
2) Your named contact will look into your complaint, requesting further information if necessary
3) Within 10 working days of your acknowledgement we will write to you to confirm the outcome of your complaint, including any action we propose to take as a result of the inquiry. If we are unable to meet this timescale we will notify you, explaining why, and setting a deadline by which you will hear from us again.
We hope that we are able to resolve your complaint satisfactorily but accept that sometimes this is not possible. All our relevant staff are members of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) or Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), so if your complaint relates to the technical competence of one or more of our staff, you have recourse to the RTPI’s or CIEEM’s professional conduct inquiry procedures (see https://www.rtpi.org.uk/membership/professional-standards/make-a-complaint/ or https://cieem.net/resource/professional-conduct-inquiry-procedures/ as applicable).
However, if your complaint relates to our business services, invoicing, and charges you should contact the Citizen’s Advice Consumer Service (UK) or the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (RoI).
Complaints should be made within one month of the incident taking place. If the complainant was not aware that there was cause for complaint, they have three months from when they became aware of it, or six months from the date of the incident – whichever is shorter.