Recent Appeal Decision – Lavendon – Milton Keynes Council

Appeal proposals were for the outline planning permission for the erection of up to 95 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, SuDS and vehicular access. All matters reserved except for access.

There were four main issues that the Inspector considered including the Council’s housing land supply.

The Council considered that they could demonstrate a 5.11 year supply of housing land. The Inspector had reservations that some of the various sites presented by the Council in the Inquiry are not deliverable to the extent proposed by the LPA. The Inspector therefore determined that the Council is unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land.

It was concluded that there were significant benefits of the proposed development, with their only being limited harm. The material considerations were deemed to outweigh the presumption in determining applications in accordance with the development plan, therefore the proposals demonstrated sustainable development.

The appeal was allowed taking into account all the matters which were raised.

Author: Natasha Abbott

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