Luton adopts new Local Plan

On 7 November 2017, Luton Borough Council adopted the Luton Local Plan (2011-31). The new Local Plan replaces the ‘saved’ policies of the old Local Plan and sets out the vision, objectives, sustainable development strategy including strategic allocations and development management policies for Luton for the 20 year period up to 2031.

Although there is an identified need for 17,800 additional dwellings over the plan period, the new Local Plan only provides for 8,500 new homes up to 2031 leaving an unmet need of 9,300 dwellings. The shortfall in housing was found to be acceptable due to Luton’s tight urban boundary and limited supply of potential land for housing. However, the figure of 8,500 is not intended to be a ceiling and should not be seen or applied as a constraint to delivery. In addition, Luton Borough Council will need to continue to work with its neighbouring authorities to help ensure delivery of the Borough’s unmet needs within the Housing Market Area.

Author: Leila Cramphorn

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