Community Project approved in Shillington
Optimis is extremely delighted to have secured planning permission from Central Bedfordshire Council, on behalf of our client Rowan Homes, for 26 dwellings including bungalows and a purpose-built new community centre. The residential development provides the enabling development for the community centre. and will generate the funds that are critical to the delivery of the new community facility.
The application for the community centre was approved by Officers under delegated powers end of October 2017, which was then followed by a unanimous approval of the residential scheme by the Planning Committee on 8th November 2017, subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
This project, which started in 2012, was formed at the outset as a community project. Optimis has engaged widely with the community and statutory bodies/stakeholders such as the Parish Council, Village Hall Management Committee, Memorial Playing Field Committee, various local clubs and community organisations to seek their views and amend the project proposals to meet the needs of the community; and has worked closely with the architects and numerous consultants to push this project forward.
The scheme will bring a considerable amount of benefits to the local and wider community, not only providing additional housing that is needed in the District, together with highway improvements, but also a new and sustainable community facility that will create a hub for community activities, sports and social gatherings, designed with the needs of all the user groups in mind.
Author: Justin Wickersham
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