Recent Appeal Decision – Cranfield – Central Bedfordshire Council
The appeal proposals were for outline planning permission for up to 222 dwellings with land for doctor’s surgery and associated parking and other community facilities, with all matters, apart from access, reserved.
The Inspector stated that he would use the OAN figure of 32,000 dwelling 2015-2035, as set out in the SHMA, and was referred to as providing a five-year land supply. Although it was noted that, if the new Local Plan was found sound, it would dramatically increase the plan’s target to 39,350 in order to satisfy the unmet need of Luton. When this becomes the case, the Council would be unable to demonstrate a five-year land supply.
The Inspector furthermore noted how Policy DM4 does not have full weight, although it should be afforded moderate weight in this case.
The appeal was dismissed for the combined weight of the benefits of the scheme, not outweighing the harm on the character and appearance of the area.
Author: Natasha Abbott
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