Old Buckby Care Home
The client acquired the site for the provision of a 72-bed care home, 10 extra care units, and 7 extra care bungalows.
The site had outline planning permission for commercial use as part of a wider residential scheme. Optimis submitted an outline application to Daventry District Council and, following a refusal by the Council, successfully challenged the case at appeal. Planning permission was therefore granted on appeal in March 2017.
Outline application for the development of a 72-bed care home, 10 extra care units, and 7 extra care bungalows; submission to Daventry District Council.
The Council refused permission on the grounds that the location of the proposed development was: remote from the existing amenities within Long Buckby village; unsuitable due to proximity to a general industrial area, railway line and busy road; and not a sustainable travel location.
•The Planning Inspector agreed with the case advanced by Optimis in that the appeal site was a suitable location in terms of accessibility by sustainable modes of travel and to local services and facilities.
• The Inspector also found that the implementation of an appropriate noise mitigation scheme could be secured as part of the reserved matters.
•Optimis worked with the Inspectorate and the Council to ensure the completion of the Planning Obligation to the satisfaction of the Planning Inspector.
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