
The client acquired a sensitive site with an outline consent that had been the topic of years of planning negotiation and in an area where an eloquent and vociferous community were deeply concerned by the nature, scale and dominance of the development for 1,300 dwellings.

Optimis advised that to achieve a successful planning outcome for Reserved Matters it was both pragmatic and appropriate to engage with the local community, with aim of achieving a consent at committee or preferably a delegated consent for each of the phased applications.

• Community consultation and engagement to achieve successful outcomes

• Engaging with all areas of the community and seeking the views of all residents including difficult to reach groups

• Offering personal consultation to all organisations, groups and residents

• Innovative design approach through dialogue with most effected residents

• Managing a multi-disciplinary team

• Achieving delegated consent and providing 
very positive cash flow benefits to the client whilst delivering homes and local facilities at the earliest opportunities

• Client satisfaction and support from 
community groups

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