Optimis wins appeal for the conversion of a single dwelling to three flats in Islington

Islington dwellings

Optimis is delighted to have secured planning consent at appeal for the conversion of the existing building into 2no. one-bedroom and 1no. three-bedroom units. The application was refused on the basis of conflict with local policies on unit mix, living conditions, lack of amenity space and viability with regards to the provision of affordable housing.

In respect of the unit mix, the Inspector agreed with Optimis in that the constraints of the site are such that “a policy compliant mix of units cannot be satisfactorily achieved.” Additional evidence submitted as part of the appeal confirmed the acceptability of living conditions. In respect of viability, Optimis consistently demonstrated throughout the appeal that the scheme was unable to accommodate the £100,000 contribution requested by Islington Council. The Inspector states that “… I find that it has not been satisfactorily demonstrated that the findings of the appellant’s Viability Report are not robust. Therefore, it is likely that there would be no surplus to fund the affordable housing contribution…”

“Optimis Consulting dealt with a long and protracted planning application, which included a requirement for a significant financial contribution towards affordable housing, despite being a minor development. The case lasted around two years under difficult circumstances, but in the end Optimis achieved a fantastic result. Anyone thinking of taking on a difficult project, would do well to deal with Optimis”. – Tony Bartolo

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