Optimis attends launch of the NPPF Review (2018)
Optimis Consulting’s Planning Director, Simon Chapman attended The Future of Planning Policy Conference that was held on 05 March 2018, where The Prime Minister, Theresa May, and the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid, launched the revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), together with a suite of accompanying documents.
It was clear from the Prime Ministers speech that the key objective was to boost the delivery of the right type of homes, including affordable, for first time buyers, rental, key workers and the elderly, to meet the needs of everyone.
The revised NPPF and accompanying documents were published on the 05 March 2018, with the consultation running until 10 May 2018, and it is expected the final version of NPPF will be published in summer 2018.
Author: Simon Chapman
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