Commitment to deliver 300,000 annual housing target remains as confirmed by Housing Secretary Michael Gove
The Conservative party manifesto presented in 2019 set an annual housing target of 300,000. In early October, the then prime minister Liz Truss had plans to abandon these commitments.
The reappointed housing secretary Michael Gove has confirmed that this target remains however he has addressed the challenges that will inevitably be faced in order to achieve it in the context of the economic crisis. The government will need to find a fair way to allocate the housing need whilst keeping local communities on side in tackling the changes to population both now and into the future.
In last November’s housing, communities and local government select committee meeting, Gove made reference to the method for calculating housing supply saying that the way the figures are generated is “probably out of date”. Bringing this assessment up to date will be one of the key matters for consideration on Gove’s agenda as newly reinstated Housing Secretary. By replacing the standard method for assessing housing need with flexible housing targets, the level of housing provision may suffer a reduction, and this is something that must be considered.
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