Changes to Permitted Development Rights (PDR)

As of 25th May 2019, PDRs have been further expanded, making it easier for developers to modify existing buildings without requiring planning permission. The changes will provide the following opportunities:

  • Permitted development rights allowing larger single-storey rear extensions to homes, which were time-limited and due to expire on 30th May 2019, have now been made permanent.
  • Class JA has been introduced, allowing for the change of use of shops (Use Class A1), financial and professional services (Use Class A2) and hot food takeaways (Use Class A5) to Offices (Use Class B1(a));
  • Existing Class M has been extended to allow for the change of use from hot food takeaways (Use Class A5) to dwellinghouses (Use Class C3);
  • Existing Class D, permitting temporary flexible uses, now also includes change of use to non-residential institutions (Use Class D1). The single continuous period for the flexible uses covered in this class has been extended from 2 years to 3 years.
  • References to the National Planning Policy Framework have also been updated throughout the Order, referring to the latest 2019 Framework.

However, it is noted that the change of use from storage (Use Class B8) to residential would not be extended beyond 10thJune 2019.

If you require Optimis’ advice or assistance on any of the above matters, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Team on 01234 330624.

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