Bedford Borough Council – extension of consultation period for Pre-Submission Local Plan 2035

Bedford Borough Council has extended its consultation period for the Consultation on the Local Plan 2035 ‘Plan for submission’ which commenced on 22nd January 2018 until 5pm on Thursday 29th March 2018.

The Local Plan considers levels of growth up until the year 2035 in terms of housing, employment and all associated infrastructure, and the distribution of this growth throughout the Borough. The new plan will replace previous policies with a more up-to-date strategy for the Borough’s future.

The consultation period allows stakeholders to have a say on and influence the strategy of development moving forward.
The consultation will now end on the 29th March 2018 at 5pm, after which responses will be collated and considered. Based on the timescales outlined in the Council’s Local Development Scheme, this is likely to delay the submission of the Local Plan to the Secretary of State to late Spring of this year.

Author: Leila Cramphorn

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