Appeal in Potton – up to 85 residential dwellings, all matters reserved except access
Interesting appeal decision allowed in Central Bedfordshire on the balance of the benefits of the scheme and absence of adverse impacts, despite the Inspector concluding that the Council is able to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.
Main Issues:
• Council able to demonstrate 5-year land supply?
• Effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of area;
• Adequate provision provided in respect of infrastructure including affordable housing.
The Inspector found that Policy DM4 (Settlement Envelopes) is afforded moderate weight (in accordance with Para 215 of the NPPF) due to it not being “fully consistent with the NPPF, which seek to recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside rather than to specifically ‘protect’ it”.
The Inspector agreed that the Council is able to demonstrate a supply of deliverable sites in excess of 5 years.
The Inspector concluded that “the wider public benefits in this case, which include assisting in meeting the unmet need of Luton (and the wider HMA) and the provision of market and affordable housing remain pertinent.”
Author: Natasha Abbott
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