1,500 homes approved on greenfield site in Central Bedfordshire
Central Bedfordshire’s Planning Committee have approved an outline application for 1,500 homes and up to 2ha of commercial space to the east of the town of Biggleswade, following an Officer recommendation for approval. The application site lies outside of the designated settlement envelope of the adopted Local Plan and has been allocated in the emerging Local Plan.
The application was approved despite objections from campaigners about the prematurity of the application, ahead of the Local Plan’s adoption, and a holding objection from Highways England requesting further information.
The application was considered by Officers to provide a substantial contribution towards local housing delivery, alongside bolstering the Council’s housing land supply, despite the Council asserting that they currently have a five-year housing land supply.
The Council’s approval is subject to the signing of the S106 agreement and the withdrawal of Highways England’s holding objection.
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